Tag: TarotSeek sessions
Tarot Reading (TarotSeek) What will happen on 11-11-11 ~ November 11, 2011 ~ 11.11.11. ~ Eleven, Eleven, Eleven?
Here, I’m doing a TarotSeek session to see what will happen as it relates to World Events. This area is often a challenge for me because I have stronger interests in helping individuals live better and self-informed lives rather than looking at mundane world events; however, it’s an auspicious day to look at so…
*New* 21 in 4 TarotSeek Challenge – Book Discount Included…
TarotSeek Challenge Journal Formats Ongoing. Starts week of October 17, 2011 FREE JOURNAL DOWNLOADS Non-edit, save, and print version: Download Adobe .pdf (print) |Launch from Google Docs Challenge yourself to ask 21 focused and direct questions! Don’t repeat questions. Create 21 NEW questions. Improve your tarot reading skills and intuition. Get long standing problems solved…
Abella Answers Various Questions from Readers with the TarotSeek Method (Audio technique)
Psychic Jucy’s TarotSeek, Read Tarot Cards For Yourself, Volume 1 is not normally used for readings for other people but it does work and some professional readers can incorporate it into their own regular reading style. The other thing about TarotSeek is that it trains a reader to analyze and look for clues and insights…
Day 8 – The Chariot, Free-spirit & Bohemian Wisdom Guide: 120 questions in 30 days, the TarotSeek way (objective self-tarot reading)
Refer to this page for more details and a full TarotSeek session sample for the 120 in 30 challenge. September 8, 2011 Question 1 of 4 The Chariot Question: What kind of person am I? Good, bad, spiritual, non-spiritual? Response: [Worked with the Revelations Tarot for this session, card was upright] Adventurous / A happy…
Day 6 – King of Swords, Not Searching for Higher Knowledge: 120 questions in 30 days, the TarotSeek way (objective self-tarot reading)
Refer to this page for more details and a full TarotSeek session sample for the 120 in 30 challenge. Question format for sharing TarotSeek sessions [date] – [card name] Question: [what was your question?] Response: [what did you say about the card you got?] Analysis: [what does this mean to you once you saw what…
Day 2 – Various Cards: 120 questions in 30 days, the TarotSeek way (objective self-tarot reading)
Refer to this page for more details and a full TarotSeek session sample for the 120 in 30 challenge. Question format for sharing TarotSeek sessions [date] – [card name] Question: [what was your question?] Response: [what did you say about the card you got?] Analysis: [what does this mean to you once you saw what…
Day 1 – Various Cards: 120 questions in 30 days, the TarotSeek way (objective self-tarot reading)
Well it’s my first day of 120 in 30. Even though in my book, Psychic Jucy’s TarotSeekâ„¢ Learn How to Read Tarot Cards for Yourself, Volume 1, I would suggest not to do this, I asked double and triple questions per sheet of paper and it all still worked. But if you have problems with…
TarotSeek Challenge Journal “120 in 30” One hundred and Twenty Questions in Thirty Days
TarotSeek Challenge Journal Formats Started September 1, 2011 This challenge can be started at any time! FREE JOURNAL DOWNLOADS Edit, save, and print version: Download Adobe .pdf (one day) | Download Adobe .pdf (30 days) (right click and save if document doesn’t appear correct upon a straight click) Non-edit, save, and print version: Download Adobe…