Book Your TarotSeekâ„¢ Party Interactive Event
Email | 416-564-6284
Hold an exciting, entertaining, educational, and fun TarotSeekâ„¢ Party where you and your friends learn how to read tarot, for yourself and share the results!
- No tarot reading experience needed or preferred
- Great for Girls Night In, Teen or Kids Birthday Party, Interactive or Bonding events
- Free for host, minimum of three and maximum of ten guests
- 1-2 hours depending upon number of guests
- Currently partying in the Toronto, GTA, Ontario, Canada area
- Book today…
Book Your TarotSeekâ„¢ Party Interactive Event
Email | 416-564-6284
Some Testimonials
TarotSeekâ„¢ (Interactive)
“Hi Willow, thanks for checking in. The event was perfect and we really loved having Jucy there… I would absolutely recommend it to anyone! Thanks for accommodating us at the last minute, too!! All the best, Erin” 30 something Adult Birthday Party
“Just a quick note to say how lovely the evening turned out with Kaia Jai, doing the Tarot readings with Enza. The party was a hit!!! You will come highly recommended! Hope you got my link to the article where we found you! Kaia Jai was just great! Very impressed with her professionalism – and the girls just loved her!” TarotSeek 16th Birthday Party, Anna & Enza
“Thanks so much for coming out and making Judith’s birthday party special. Everyone raved about their reading and how intuitive you are. We all loved the TarotSeek and couldn’t believe how our interpretation of the cards wereso accurate.” — Alicia H., 40 something Adult Birthday Party
“They had a great time. All said it was amazing and super accurate. Thanks again.” Sniden, Teen Birthday Party
“Everything was great! Kaia jai was terrific with the girls and very positive. The girls will definitely remember the experience and it was quite funny when they asked for her business cards! Thanks Warm regards, Barb” 13th Birthday Party
Book Your Toronto Tarot Party
Email | 416-564-6284
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