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© Abella Jucy Arthur
Fun, easy-to-use way of letting Tarot work for you,August 4, 2011
This review is from: Psychic Jucy’s TarotSeek (TM): Read Tarot Cards For Yourself (Kindle Edition)
I’ve been tinkering with Tarot for a few years now, but have always had trouble keeping ME out of my readings (well, for myself anyway.)
What TarotSeek does is to give you a method which works in spite of your logical side butting into the conversation! The eBook was developed to help both professional tarot readers and complete newcomers – which is why the earlier sections of the book seem (to the initiated) overly simplified. Yet, the book is easily skimmed so that you can get past that if you so desire.
I would definitely recommend the book and method to others.
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