Tag: 5 – TarotSeek Tips
Tip #7: Tarot Prompt – Become the character of the card
Tip #7: Tarot Prompt — Become the character of the card. You may not know that I’m an Astrologer too. I came up with “Be the card” after reading an article about astrodrama from Jeff Jawer. I started acting out the card (I’m a Leo) with hubby and I was like, “hey — this could…
TarotSeek Tip #1: What’s a TarotSeek Session?
TarotSeek Tip #1 The self-tarot reading session you do isn’t a TarotSeek session unless you are a) reading at least 3 questions and b) don’t know what questions you are answering.
TarotSeek Tip #2: Quick Intuitive Brainstorming
This website challenges and encourages you to ‘write’ something based on one word. Same goes with TarotSeek. We challenge you to expand upon what you see in one tarot card.
TarotSeek Tip #3: Break & Refresh
If you find yourself thinking about your ‘question’, put your questions away and come back later or another day.
TarotSeek Tip #4: Collecting Questions For Readings
Create questions and throw them into a pile but don’t do a TarotSeek session until some days later. Then when you do, only select a maximum of four questions for your session and leave the remainder for another day or session.
Tip #6: How To Read A Tarot Card
If finding you are not getting enough information out of one card, refer to TarotSeekâ„¢ Prompts for Answering Questions to assist you with ‘self-interviewing’. This section includes 12 tips!
Tip #5: TarotSeek Sharing / Journal Format
When sharing your TarotSeek sessions, it’s helpful to share the following: [date] – [card name] Question: [what was your question?] Response: [what did you say about the card you got?] Analysis: [what does this mean to you once you saw what you were answering?] Advice, Action, or Suggestion: [what is the outcome?]