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© Abella Jucy Arthur
TarotSeekâ„¢ is so much fun. This method is simple, and can be used for “spur of moment” readings. So many people will benefit and learn to begin to trust their innate connection to universal wisdom. — Ken Lusk
I’ve been tinkering with Tarot for a few years now, but have always had trouble keeping ME out of my readings (well, for myself anyway.)
What TarotSeek does is to give you a method which works in spite of your logical side butting into the conversation! The eBook was developed to help both professional tarot readers and complete newcomers – which is why the earlier sections of the book seem (to the initiated) overly simplified. Yet, the book is easily skimmed so that you can get past that if you so desire.
I would definitely recommend the book and method to others. — L. S. Aberle
TarotSeek is a really easy method for reading tarot cards. Many people are overwhelmed with learning the meanings of all 78 cards, and if you read reversals that number automatically doubles. However, with TarotSeek you don’t need to know the meanings of the cards at all. In fact, I used this method with a brand new deck I just acquired, The Steele Wizard Tarot, and I hadn’t read the artist’s book about her deck and only looked through a few of the cards before using the deck for a reading. I employed the TarotSeek method, which focuses on the image on the cards, then I examined the cards I had received in my reading, used this method and wow, I had a very clear and insightful reading with a brand new deck of cards I had never used before. I’m a professional reader with over 30 years of experience and TarotSeek even taught me a couple of new tricks that are now making my readings for clients flow faster and smoother, plus it cuts down on my work, as well. I highly recommend TarotSeek & only wish I had it when I used to teach tarot classes out of my home. My students would have really benefited from this method. — Dr. Mary E. Gutierrez
As with the mantic arts of astrology, numerology, and the like, Tarot presents itself as a marvelous divination tool that is deceptively simple to the curious. So much so, at times, that one wonders how could someone have access to such mystery. Surely it must be easier than studying old bones or reading planetary charts?
TarotSeek dispels with preconceived mysteries and opens up the user’s personal mythology and symbolism. The application of instructions in regard to preparation and follow-through actually do create a sense of magic. Repeated use builds upon one’s use of symbolism and promises to empower the seeker with knowledge and confidence to read for [yourself]. TarotSeek requires a minimum of material, and a good deal of time for meditation. This product is ideal for both established and beginners of Tarot. ~~ Dan Herman
The TarotSeek method delivers it’s promise to be a unique, new way of reading the cards for yourself. I’m looking forward to playing around with this technique and seeing how it can expand my style and knowledge of both myself and the cards. 🙂 — Jaymi
Upon the first reading of the book you may find TarotSeek method to be too simple. But “Genius is in simplicity” they say. Along with the authors, I encourage you to try TarotSeeking for at least a week prior to making up your mind about it. As for me, from the very first TarotSeek session I enjoyed this new variation of getting a deep and intuitive insight and added it to the top drawer of my collection of the most often used Tarot techniques. — Victoria Evangelina Belyavskaya
TarotSeek provides a lengthy section on how to formulate questions for a variety of topics and then includes examples of questions under each topic heading. I wish EVERY tarot book would do this as a matter of course. I have to often email clients once they’ve ordered to help them to revise their questions in such a way so the tarot can address them properly and accurately. Professional readers should read TarotSeek so they can see just how easy it is to formulate really good and specific questions that will help the tarot to get to the heart of the matter under question instead of providing vague or difficult to follow answers. — Read FULL review of TarotSeek from Nefer Khepri of Magickal Musings — Nefer Khepri is a professional Tarot Reader.
This is a wonderfully original way to gain insight on just about anything. Even as someone who has just started [reading tarot], I know how easy it can be to avoid the issue when wanting answers, only looking for the answer you WANT to hear! The TarotSeekâ„¢ method is not only brutally honest, but also infinitely expandable… This really is an amazing method for both the complete beginner and experienced reader. Great stuff, Jucy! — Nick Samuel, Novice Tarot Reader
Fun, fascinating and a great way to divine the world of knowledge that exists within your subconscious. Today was my lucky day. I was treated to a fabulous introductory session on reading the tarot for personal use. I’m excited about the next session… and getting better at answering my own questions at home. Jucy is very passionate and knowledgeable about her craft. Her and Ryan were a delight to be introduced to. Thank you! — Member of Club Jucy
This is a great method. I lost the necklace D. gave me as a gift for “having A.†and I spent days looking for it. I decided to try your method of reading and wow! I found my necklace. I’ve also asked a couple of other questions and got some interesting information. — M.K.G, Beloved Client
“I liked that the TarotSeekâ„¢ Method kept me objective about the question, which definately helped me produce clearer answers†— S. V. Novice Tarot Reader
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