Tag: learning how to read tarot
What’s an Important Skill for Tarot Reading or Tarot Readers? Intuition! Mercury & Neptune!
Intuition is a combination of historical (empirical) data, deep and heightened observation and an ability to cut through the thickness of surface reality. Intuition is like a slow motion machine that captures data instantaneously and hits you like a ton of bricks. Intuition is a knowing, a sensing that is beyond the conscious understanding —…
Learn How to Read Tarot For Yourself: Guide + Online Training + Forum
Guide + Online Training + Forum *Guaranteed to work Only $100 Get your book now, join the forum, and then your online class starts in September!! Reply with interest… www.TarotSeek.com
Win a FREE TarotSeek guide to help you do self-tarot readings.
I’m giving away 5 TarotSeek ebooks! Never read tarot before? No problem. Click this link, click the “Like” button, and leave a comment saying you want to be entered into a draw! Much love ♥ August 5th feedback received: I’ve been tinkering with tarot for a few years now – good results for others, but…
75% off until July 31, 2011 at Smashwords.com !!!
This concise guide covers a special topic in tarot. TarotSeekâ„¢ is a physically different way of reading tarot cards for the 21st Century. Ever wanted to read tarot for yourself but were too emotional, close to the subject, or unclear? There was a time when it was impossible to do self-tarot readings accurately but that…
It’s HERE! TarotSeekâ„¢ Learn how to read tarot cards for yourself, Volume 1
TarotSeekâ„¢ – A revolutionary unbiased and objective self-tarot reading system. Created by Psychic Jucy and her husband eBook Edition TarotSeek is a physically different way of reading the cards. It’s really a system and we have made it a SIMPLE system so simple that you’ll wonder, “Why didn’t I think of it?” But be sure,…
Toronto Tarot Party: You & Your Guests Become Tarot Readers in Two Hours or Less…
Hold an exciting, entertaining, educational, and fun TarotSeekâ„¢ Party where you and your friends learn how to read tarot, for yourself and share the results! No tarot reading experience needed or preferred Great for Girls Night In, Interactive or Bonding events Free for host, minimum of three and maximum of twelve guests 1-2 hours depending…
Mercury Aries Turned Direct today: April 23, 2011
With Mercury turning direct today, we thought it would be a great time to re-announce and re-launch our revolutionary TarotSeekâ„¢ self-tarot reading method. It’s 3-4 years in the making and we are so excited to share our love of tarot and tarot reading. Learning how to read tarot shouldn’t be hard so we developed something…