Inspired? ©redit.
© Abella Jucy Arthur

Refer to this page for more details and a full TarotSeek session sample for the 120 in 30 challenge.

Question format for sharing TarotSeek sessions

[date] – [card name]
Question: [what was your question?]
Response: [what did you say about the card you got?]
Analysis: [what does this mean to you once you saw what you were answering?]
Advice, Action, or Suggestion: [what is the outcome?]

The last two questions are posted in the .pdf which are to be saved along with your session papers.  I have wrote far more in answering the Analysis and Advice questions because I’m doing it in a journal rather than on the pieces of paper. I would probably write a lot less on paper.  And that’s probably why I like the audio recording sessions best.

September 2, 2011

Question 1 of 4

Question: How will people, in general, react to my TarotSeek 120 in 30 blog posts?
Response: Not doing anything / A bit smug / Not going to tell you what to do / The wheels are turning but not taking action / Going to work things out / Everything will go as planned / Lucky & optimistic / Silent!
Analysis: Wow, I can’t get over the power of TarotSeek. Moving on… I can take this in two different directions: 1. This is how people, in general, are perceiving my questions, responses, analysis, and action OR 2. This is how people are approaching the challenge.  My question wasn’t entirely clear because I was thinking about the challenge as well as what I was writing.  Note to self.

Anyway. If I take it that this is the reaction people (in general) are having about the challenge, it seems that people are waiting and seeing what happens before they take the plunge.  That’s a bit disappointing in that I pride myself on being brave and courageous and just getting out there and doing and what I get from this is:  I’ll see how you do it and then I might follow suit if I can do it perfectly well.  Oh! No! I hope that’s not it.

One reason why I didn’t put a lot of examples from my own or other people’s TarotSeek sessions is because I want people to beat to their own drum.  Use the system but then make it your own.  If how I do it works for you, great.  If not, try another way and let us in on the flavour you love best.

Also, “not going to tell you what to do” and “Silent!” could mean that I won’t get any comments on my blog — even if people are reading it.  What I’m writing is making you think, but you’ll stay “silent” for now.  But there is a silver lining here in that I think some readers will try to work it out (going to work things out), even without having the guide.  Actually, that seems like a ‘smug’ action.  Reverse engineering, that is. Or is that people, in general, think I’m smug because I’m not telling anyone ‘how’ to do TarotSeek in these blog posts.  Well, that attitude would be disappointing if it were the case.

People should not be begrudged a living doing what they love or earning money from something they put hundreds of hundreds of hours into.  Would you want to work for free if you couldn’t afford to do so? This isn’t a Utopian society.  There are bills to pay.  If I don’t get paid for what I do, I do need to do something else.  So which would people prefer?  That I don’t make anyone money doing this or make some money and share what I can?  People should not have to share everything for free and give you their shirt off their back and blood to suck. Wow, I was amazed at the response to this question but now I can see that I’m angered and that means I’m hurt too. Oh well, this was cathartic. Back to a happy space! 🙂
Advice, Action, or Suggestion: Keep doing my challenge.  It’s probably going to be a once in a lifetime sort of thing for me.  So while I may hold ‘other’ challenges for TarotSeek readers, I probably won’t do them in blog format (like this).  And while I hope others will get on board, I’m doing this for me.  I am the author but I’m also a participant.

Note: You won’t always have a super clear idea on what something means (Like my analysis above.  I’m like, “It could be this or it could be that,” but you can be guaranteed it will be objective.  This is why TarotSeek is packaged with a forum where you can ask other readers what’s their take on a response and how they would analyze it. Unfortunately the forum is dead right now so I don’t even have anyone to ask. 😛

To see the difference between a TarotSeek reading as opposed to using keywords and descriptions, take a look at the keywords and descriptions I wrote for The Hanged Man on my Tarot Card Meanings blog. It’s pretty different yet I got the Hanged Man and I didn’t use my keywords and description.  And every time I get The Hanged Man in a TarotSeek reading, I’ll read it differently. Below is an example where I drew the 3 of Swords again.  I drew this yesterday and it was about another person.

Question 2 of 4

3 of Swords

I won’t go into analysis or action in this blog for the next three questions; however, some of it are carry-over questions from yesterday so you’ll see how it continues as well as the power of TarotSeek.

Question: How can I make TarotSeek more appealing and get the word out that it’s existing and works?
Response: Rain falling down / 3 / Sharp communication / Expressing hurt & pain / Cloudy feelings / A soft heart / A royal pain / An actor acting in a real life.

If we take a look at what I wrote about the 3 of Swords yesterday, it’s completely different.

3 of Swords — Response: The truth hurts / mental pain / anguish and fear / sensitive to conflict / a third lover / too much bad stuff will happen if lets love loose / the heart aches / moody / mental

Question 3 of 4

6 of Cups

Question: What is the truth as it relates to X and my last question?
Response: Happy memories / Looking back on the past / Wanting to give beauty to another but protecting themselves / overwhelmed with sweet thoughts / Taking steps to walk away and lock up feelings





Question 4 of 4

Queen of Pentacles

Question: When I look back, what is X2 feeling or want as it relates to me? See #2 question
Response: Being nostalgic about what has and where came from / Feeling funny about how one looks / Feeling the ground is unstable / Not having confidence / Feeling embarrassed / Wanting to do something but feeling lethargic

The last three questions will go into my private 120 in 30 Challenge Journal.





What’s next?

This tarot challenge lasts for 30 days.  It ends on September 30, 2011 (during the sign of Libra). Consider doing a blog about your TarotSeek sessions and let me know.  Join the forum to get help analyzing your responses or advice on what to do next. Comment here with your results.  Do try, my Virgo pleads with you, to use this format for sharing. (Though I wonder:  Will anyone else do this other than myself?)  It’s nice and neat and makes it easy to connect with what you are doing. And use one of the Challenge Journals to help you explore your responses.

Purchase the guide.  If you need a coupon (can’t afford buying this guide at the current price), ask.  However, if you get a coupon do appreciate and reciprocate by sharing the joy of TarotSeek and encouraging people who express a desire to self-read to pick up their own copy. Namaste.

I’ll post one of my questions a day. Please come back, read, comment, share…

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