Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
TarotSeek Contest: ($125 Value) Learn How to Read Your Own Tarot Cards
Click the image to ‘like’ the Facebook page and then ‘enter the draw’ with a comment!! This NOW applies to leaving a meaningful comment on any 120 in 30 blog post. A “like” will be counted for every new commentor who replies to any one of these posts.
Day 7 – Four of Swords, Serene & Spiritual Perception & Communication: 120 questions in 30 days, the TarotSeek way (objective self-tarot reading)
Refer to this page for more details and a full TarotSeek session sample for the 120 in 30 challenge. Question format for sharing TarotSeek sessions [date] – [card name] Question: [what was your question?] Response: [what did you say about the card you got?] Analysis: [what does this mean to you once you saw what…
Day 6 – King of Swords, Not Searching for Higher Knowledge: 120 questions in 30 days, the TarotSeek way (objective self-tarot reading)
Refer to this page for more details and a full TarotSeek session sample for the 120 in 30 challenge. Question format for sharing TarotSeek sessions [date] – [card name] Question: [what was your question?] Response: [what did you say about the card you got?] Analysis: [what does this mean to you once you saw what…
Day 5 – Two of Wands, Two Forces Against Each Other: 120 questions in 30 days, the TarotSeek way (objective self-tarot reading)
Refer to this page for more details and a full TarotSeek session sample for the 120 in 30 challenge. Question format for sharing TarotSeek sessions [date] – [card name] Question: [what was your question?] Response: [what did you say about the card you got?] Analysis: [what does this mean to you once you saw what…
Day 4 – Judgement, A New Career on the Horizon: 120 questions in 30 days, the TarotSeek way (objective self-tarot reading)
Refer to this page for more details and a full TarotSeek session sample for the 120 in 30 challenge. Question format for sharing TarotSeek sessions [date] – [card name] Question: [what was your question?] Response: [what did you say about the card you got?] Analysis: [what does this mean to you once you saw what…
Day 3 – Queen of Wands, Why Do I Feel Sick?: 120 questions in 30 days, the TarotSeek way (objective self-tarot reading)
Refer to this page for more details and a full TarotSeek session sample for the 120 in 30 challenge. Question format for sharing TarotSeek sessions [date] – [card name] Question: [what was your question?] Response: [what did you say about the card you got?] Analysis: [what does this mean to you once you saw what…
Day 2 – Various Cards: 120 questions in 30 days, the TarotSeek way (objective self-tarot reading)
Refer to this page for more details and a full TarotSeek session sample for the 120 in 30 challenge. Question format for sharing TarotSeek sessions [date] – [card name] Question: [what was your question?] Response: [what did you say about the card you got?] Analysis: [what does this mean to you once you saw what…
Review: TarotSeek ™ is a workbook – i.e. a book to be worked with.
TarotSeek â„¢ is intended to be a practical, hands-on how-to book for Tarot reading. It is in digital (i.e. e-book) format, which made me hesitate to review it. As a reviewer, it is easier for me to review print books. However, I read a review that Mary Nale did in the first issue of her…
Day 1 – Various Cards: 120 questions in 30 days, the TarotSeek way (objective self-tarot reading)
Well it’s my first day of 120 in 30. Even though in my book, Psychic Jucy’s TarotSeekâ„¢ Learn How to Read Tarot Cards for Yourself, Volume 1, I would suggest not to do this, I asked double and triple questions per sheet of paper and it all still worked. But if you have problems with…
(General Tarot) What Makes an unsuccessful tarot reader? What are negative tarot reader traits?
What makes an unsuccessful tarot reader? What are general traits that reduce the effectiveness of a tarot reader within their work, their community, and personal life?
Got any book recommendations?