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© Abella Jucy Arthur


Here, I’m doing a TarotSeek session to see what will happen as it relates to World Events. This area is often a challenge for me because I have stronger interests in helping individuals live better and self-informed lives rather than looking at mundane world events; however, it’s an auspicious day to look at so here it goes… 🙂

Question 1 of 4

Ace of Cups / Controlling Restraint

Question: I asked what will happen to the Dow Jones on Friday?

Response: [Worked with the Bright Ideas Tarot for this session, card picture not included] First thing I saw was a lot of angry people. Then I saw security trying to calm people down. Some people look depressed, others dissatisfied yet contemplative on what to do next, yet mostly people were angry. I see a mob walking out on the street.

Analysis: The suggestion here is that the Dow Jones is likely to plummet though I said in my numerology article that it was likely to rise. In this case, it could be that people are angry because they thought it would take a nose dive and it didn’t. It will be interesting to see how things go. 🙂 Either way, I’m right or wrong!? lol

Advice, Action, or Suggestion: Will take a look at the Dow tomorrow. Maybe it takes a hard hit and then gets artificially saved — reminiscent of the Depression era.

Question 2 of 4

6 of Coins, Co-operation

Question: I asked what world news would be released on November 11, 2011

Response: [Worked with the Bright Ideas Tarot for this session, card picture not included] Taurus! Money! The Earth! Working together to build something that is made out of non-lasting substance. Working diligently to use resources of the earth to make something more fantastic.

Analysis: This card is ruled by Taurus. Taurus is about financial stability, growth, the finer things in life, security. The suggestion of this card is that natural resources will be discussed in the news. There is likely talk about money and how the world will work together to grow it; however, it might be artificially grown as mentioned above.

Advice, Action, or Suggestion: Check the news out tomorrow.

Question 3 of 4

3 of Cups / Celebration

Question: What will the financial situation be on November 11, 2011?

Response: [Worked with the Bright Ideas Tarot for this session, card picture not included] Mercury Cancer. Speaking about celebrating, family, getting gifts, togetherness, tribe.

Analysis: I get a sense that Canada and the United States will be working together — that many countries will work together to use each other’s assets to strengthen the world economy. Togetherness is a big theme for this day — communicating working together. So there’s a bit of a celebratory nature to the day.

Advice, Action, or Suggestion: Check the news out tomorrow.

Question 4 of 4

5 Hierophant / Guidance & Passage / Death

Question: Tell me what will happen on November 11, 2011 in the world…

Response: [Worked with the Bright Ideas Tarot for this session, card picture not included] Perhaps there will be a presidential / prime minister address about an economy which needs to transform. Taking one step at a time so the top can be reached. Carrying the weight of the world.

Analysis: Here again, the economy and money comes up. An old way, old tradition needs to end. A new economy, and world financial view is being ushered in.

Advice, Action, or Suggestion: Check the news out tomorrow.


The method used for this reading can be found in

Psychic Jucy’sTarotSeekâ„¢ Learn How to Read Tarot Cards for Yourself, Volume 1 – check for sales…

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